What are these little bugs all over my plants??

What are Aphids?
Aphids are small, sap-sucking insects that can damage plants by feeding on their sap and can potentially transmit diseases to your plant. They are commonly found on the leaves and stems of plants.
Why are they attacking my plants?
Aphids are attracted to plants due to their sweet sap, which they feed on. They may also be drawn to plants that are stressed or weakened, or lacking in nutrients. It is always best practice to make sure you are taking properly watering and feeding your plants regularly to ensure healthy plants.
Can you eliminate Aphids?
One natural way to get rid of aphids is to spray your plants with a mixture of water and dish soap. There are insecticidal soaps that are premixed you can buy that are organic, you may also use neem, but you want to be cautious when using neem because it can kill some beneficial insects too, and if not used properly break down the cell walls of your plant and burn them up. So that is why I just stick to a mixture of soapy water, make sure you get the underneath side of the leaves because these little things like to hide.
Predatory insects

Another option is to introduce ladybugs or lacewings to your garden, as they prey on aphids.
I have never had luck with keeping the ladybugs in my garden, so I feel like it would be a waste of money, the best way to bring the beneficial insects to your garden is to have plants that attract these types of insects.
Companion planting
Planting garlic, chives, or other aromatic plants near your garden can also help repel aphids. Herbs like this are a great addition to your garden and have a huge impact on the biodiversity of your space. The idea is to keep the few bad insects out and keep the beneficial insects in, and by including these types of aromatic plants it can help tremendously.
What if the insect has caused disease in my plant?
Aphids can transmit various plant diseases, including mosaic viruses, yellowing diseases, and wilt diseases. These diseases are not curable, and the best action is to remove the diseased plant and replace it with another healthy plant.
With any plant disease it is always easier to prevent than it is to cure, so make sure you check your plants regularly and take action to make sure your plants are healthy and happy.

Just know every gardener has had aphids and killed their plants because of it. A good gardener has killed a few plants a great gardener has killed many!
Happy Gardening.